Manfrotto MK055XPRO3-BHQ2 Tripod with XPRO Ball Head and 200PL QR Plate

Manfrotto MK055XPRO3-BHQ2 Tripod with XPRO Ball Head and 200PL QR Plate

The MK055XPRO3-BHQ2 Aluminum Tripod from Manfrotto pairs the MT055XPRO3 aluminum tripod legs with the MHXPRO-BHQ2 XPRO Ball Head with a 200PL quick release clamp and plate. The tripod is a three-section support that has a load capacity of 17.6 lb and extends from 9" to 71.5". Its legs are secured by Quick Power Locks, which are updated flip locks that increase the tripod's rigidity by 50%, and its load capacity by 4.4 lb over its predecessor. .

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