Lowepro StreetLine SH 180 Bag (Charcoal Gray)

Lowepro StreetLine SH 180 Bag (Charcoal Gray)

Photographers prizing a minimal, yet stealthy, fashionable and versatile camera bag will appreciate the charcoal gray StreetLine SH 180 Bag from LowePro. Your SL 180 holds a DSLR camera, related accessories, 13" laptop and tablet. Lightweight, it may be worn as a messenger bag across the body or from the shoulder. For added comfort the strap is wide and adjustable. A side pocket is suitable for a small water bottle or compact umbrella. Collapsible FlexPockets inside the bag expand to store and organize photo gear or flatten for converting the bag to general use as a day bag.

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B&H Photo Video
Authorized Dealer
Since 267 weeks ago

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