Manfrotto MVH500A Fluid Drag Video Head with MVT502AM Tripod and Carry Bag

Manfrotto MVH500A Fluid Drag Video Head with MVT502AM Tripod and Carry Bag

The Manfrotto MVH500A Fluid Drag Video Head with MVT502AM Tripod and Carry Bag features a fluid head with a wide platform to support the HDSLR form factor, and a 60mm half ball for quick leveling without adjusting the legs. The head supports a maximum weight load of 17.6 pounds and has a built-in, pre-set spring-loaded counterbalance of 5.3 pounds. It features a tilt range of -70/+90 and provides a panning rotation of 360. The head also features a side lock system for the sliding quick release plate, a pan handle, and an integrated bubble level. The two-stage tripod features a 75mm bowl and includes a 75 to 60mm adapter for the MVH500A head.

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Since 26 weeks ago
B&H Photo Video
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